Saturday, June 2, 2007

Game Log: Squash

I think my performance in squash might not have that much to do with body fat, but how much I sleep. I have been having late night snacks quite often lately, and I guess I had gain some weight, yet today I had my most dominating games in a while. And I slept till noon today.

I played 7 games. I Cruised through nearly every game except the 6th one (9:1, 9:5, 9:4, 9:1, 9:5, 5:9, 9:1). My hits were fairly strong and accurate -- many of them were just one inch above the lower line, and my volleys were good, too. Moreover, I discovered a new motion on my throwing hand during serving. An extra twist came naturally, and the entire motion became more compact and smooth. And it looks cool, too.

Meanwhile, Captain Intangible (Derek Jeter) just hit a homer off a hanging slider from Joel Pineiro -- that kind of thing happens all the time when you play MLB 2K7 -- and the Sox is now trailing 5 to 6...not a good time to do blogging, I guess.

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